Sunday, 17 October 2010

Helen's Far East Dress

Much like for our French holiday, I decided I needed to have some kind of character for a recent holiday to China and Japan. Again, I only managed to make one dress but this is it. I used this pattern, which is my new favourite thing and some fabric from the £1 place. This is me post-afternoon tea at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong.

Helen's Wedding Draught Excluder

Just what every newly-wed couple wants - a hand-knitted draught excluder! I actually think this is a much more romantic present than it first appears. No-one wants a chilly marital bedroom after all.....

Crafter Baby Shower

I have been ridiculously bad at posting lately so am playing catch-up now.

Back in August we held a special crafternoon crafter-shower to celebrate the imminent birth of the first crafter-baby (the lovely baby, Kit, was born on August 22nd all healthy and happy). We all made a bird from this pattern which I then put together to make a mobile. I'd like to say constructing it was done in a serene and capable manner but, in fact, it involved much stressing, wire hangers, embroidery hoops, superglue and cursing. Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out and I'm sure Kit will love it when he can focus properly and appreciate all the hard work.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Helen's Apron Dress

I went on holiday to France at the end of June and decided I needed some kind of French persona..... I thought this persona would wear apron dresses so I made this. It's actually a wrap skirt and then a separate top. My sewing machine properly gave up the ghost while I was making it (the stitching should not be scrutinised) and is now being repaired by a nice man in Deptford (highly recommended). After all that, I only wore the dress once and my French persona mainly wore skirts and t-shirts..... Must try harder next time.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Helen's Bookmarks

I'm taking part in Bookmarks VIII, organised by Sarah Bodman at the Centre for Fine Print Research at UWE. I spent most of May furiously drawing these, which will be distributed in various bookshops and galleries around Europe in the autumn.

I am slightly obsessed with maps so it seemed appropriate that I based my designs around them. Each one depicts a celebrated literary romance with a route through London streets from one character to the other.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Helen's Bag for Jessica

My lovely cousin, Jess, is moving back to Canada so I made her this bag as part of her leaving present. I took this photo at Crafternoon 12 at Kim's house yesterday although, ironically, I made the bag at home before I went, thus making myself really quite late. Go figure. Incidentally, the bag is modelled by our other Jess who is currently expecting the first Crafternoon baby. Expect a lot of baby related crafts in the future (baby neckerchiefs).

Helen's Neckerchief for Kim

This pattern is my new favourite thing. I knitted a version in wool first, following the pattern exactly. I then made this one for Kim's birthday using cotton and adjusting the pattern by narrowing the overall width and lengthening the tails. Everyone can expect one of these for their birthday for the foreseeable future.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Helen's Pencil Skirts

Seeing as I'm now a proper librarian (well kind-of), I thought I needed an appropriate wardrobe. So now I just wear pencils skirts (with tops and cardigans from Uniqlo). I makes getting dressed in the morning much easier! All of them are from this pattern which is officially ace.

Crafternoon 10

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Helen's Socks for Dad

I knitted these socks for my dad for Christmas. Originally, I was going to knit a pair for my mum too but I don't knit very fast and I ran out of time. I knitted them from this pattern which was meant for much smaller needles than the ones I used. As a consequence my socks were MASSIVE but, as he has been given crap homemade presents for approximately 27 years now, dad is used to this and professed to love them.